Monday, June 18, 2007


We now have a BIG TV at our house. Much bigger than 13" anyway. And all I had to do was buy a modulator to connect the component DVD output to the Coax TV input. Yay for me and my technical prowess! I own that TV now.

Also, Dad said Holly mentioned a Provo road trip around Thanksgiving time. He said that she implied all 3 of us girls down here were planning to go. And as I recall, I said I was only going if Holly got married, so... I'm thinking that's as good as an announcement.


Martin said...

How big is it now?

Also, congratulations Holly! Send us pictures.

ahem. said...

Yes, well, Dad also told me that you had already named the kitties, even though you PROMISED me I could see pictures and vote on the names.

Also, Doglynn?


Martin said...

It's in the running. I will take pictures tonight and let people vote on the final names. Shannon has suggested Tomlynn for the boy. Just be thinking of ideas for me.

Mean Mommy said...


Martin said...

20 - 21"? Are you measuring it yourself?

ahem. said...

How about Melissalynn?

Martin said...

No, that's me. We have Melissalynn, Fishlynn, Catlynn, and Doglynn. (So far. Names are subject to change after the voting)

Martin said...

Catlynn and Doglynn. Melissalynn and Fishlynn will stay the same.

ahem. said...

Aww, man! I had some good ideas on what to name you.