Monday, May 07, 2007

Scorpion Siting #2

So, I had my second scorpion today. I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, eating some fruit, when I looked down and there it was. On my leg. After doing a very interesting dance through my living room trying to get it off, I finally calmed down enough to realize that it wasn't going to let go of my jeans for anything. So I did what any person would do. I took off my jeans. (Yes, the blinds were open, but what could I do?)

Then I ran to my room to get the broom (and maybe some other pants) and spent the next 15 minutes poking the the previously removed pants. After torturing the scorpion this way with the fear of impending death, I killed it. That's right, I am now a twice scorpion slayer.

Now, with the threat gone, I got worried about how it managed to get on me without me noticing. I narrowed it down to two options. It was on the couch, and when I sat down it crawled on me. Or, it was on the jeans when I put them on. I went through the entire couch and there isn't any other ones in there, so I think it was probably on my jeans when I put them on. I had tossed them onto the floor the night before, and they do look pretty dark and comfortable. You know, for a scorpion. But that would mean I had a scorpion on me for about an hour wandering through the house doing stuff. Not a fun thought. However, if I go with the couch theory, then I will never be able to sit on it again. I think I'm going to go with the wandering around with a scorpion on me.

But the whole time, he didn't sting me. Maybe he thought I was one of those BFG's. Probably right up until the point when I killed it. Then, not so much. But, on the bright side, maintenance finally fixed my ceiling! Yeah for me!


Mean Mommy said...

Hehehehehehe. It's bad, but I am sooooo laughing at the thought of you dancing around your living room trying to get the scorpion off...and then running around your apartment half-naked. Hehehehehehe!

I don't know though...the scorpion might like your couch. It's the right color for camouflage. Hehehe.

Martin said...

Hey! No! Scorpions do not like couches. They do not!

ahem. said...

Yeah, there's proablbly a whole nest of 'em down there. And you can't see them becasue they're inside the couch, where it's dark and fun to play.

Martin said...

Watch it. I may make you sleep there next time you are here.

Mean Mommy said...

I slept there last time. But they like me. Did you see any scorpions climbing on me? Nope.

Martin said...

I would have let you sleep in the bed. But Sarah needs a lot of room. Apparently, you spoiled her by giving her a big bed at 4 years old.

Mean Mommy said...

Yeah. And after I lugged her little couch all the way up there for her. Little turkey.