Wow! Good for him! Did you give your consent, or was it done on the sly?
I'm pretty sure that's Karen's dream too. Either that...or eating a new box of fresh kitty litter.
Without permission. I had it open so I could add some to their box, but I needed to clean it first. When I looked up after cleaning their box, there he was. Sitting in the brand new litter still its container.
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Wow! Good for him! Did you give your consent, or was it done on the sly?
I'm pretty sure that's Karen's dream too. Either that...or eating a new box of fresh kitty litter.
Without permission. I had it open so I could add some to their box, but I needed to clean it first. When I looked up after cleaning their box, there he was. Sitting in the brand new litter still its container.
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