Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Your sign is going a little crazy there. Do you have one that just has the book countdown?


Mean Mommy said...

Hee Hee. I went and saw the movie last night at midnight. Good, good stuff.

ahem. said...

I looked for one with just the book when I first put the countdown up, but none of them looked very awesome at all. Anyway, I can't fix it. Deal with it.

Also, Shannon is crazy.

Martin said...

What? You saw it without me?

Fine, then Holly and I will go next week without you. And we will eat Gelato again and laugh at you.

ahem. said...

Okay, so apparently I'm cool enough to edit the code without completely destroying the countdown.

Your welcome.

Martin said...

Thanks. :)

Martin said...

Also, people seem to really like their crap. Woot sold out in less than an hour at midnight this morning.

Mean Mommy said...

Silly girls. I don't think you really want to antagonize the one who's driving you to get your books at midnight. You will have to pack some gelato on ice and save it for me.

I saw the crap up before it sold out last night. I was strong. I did not give in and order crap just because it was cheap. They can keep their crap.

Oh and...what about my welcome? I have a welcome? Is it at your house?

ahem. said...

Yes, yes it is. Come and get.

Mean Mommy said...

How about if you just bring it with you.