Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well, I guess Shannon is spreading the word, because now Holly is signed up for Netflix too.


Mean Mommy said...

I'm a good disciple like that. Netflix, Tracfone...hey, Holly--wanna cell phone? It's a great deal...

Holly's already on my Netflix Friends list.

Martin said...

Hee hee. You should check out the 'local favorites' under Holly for Provo. Hee.

ahem. said...

My fists DVDs come today *Yay!*

Mean Mommy said...

Fists DVDs? I need to get those on my queue!

ahem. said...

Well, they're not for every one. They're very violent movies.

Mean Mommy said...

And your point is...?

Faybe said...

I wish I could sign up for Netflix, but I don't have a job, or a small fortune hidding under my bed so I will have to wait for a long time to sign up.

"my room mate has been asleep for like two days is that bad?"
"two days! you mean like in a row!"