Emily has officially become a cat lady. (I think this was just an attempt to make her apartment un-un-fun) Two down, two to go. I know what people are getting this Christmas.
Ha! You just agreed that if Emily's cat has babies that Sarah #1 can have one, and Sarah #3 hasn't been spayed yet! Don't do it Emily. You could be the new Fav!
Also, when Emily texted to tell me about her kitten, she said, "Tell your kids they have a new cousin that looks like them" and I was like, "What? Crystal had her baby early? And is she being mean and saying the baby looks like a cat?"
Melissa, I wouldn't be accusing anyone else of being a cat lady, if you get my meaning. Also, will Sarah #3 be coming for Thanksgiving too? I don't know how my landlord would feel about three cats...
Um yes Sarah can have a kitten if Sirrah (which is the name of one of the stars in the Pegasus constellation not a variation of Sarah) but I don't think that's very likely because she's not allowed out of the apartment unless it's to go to my car. Sure she can come up for thanks giving. Are we still doing that by the way cause I need to ask for time off if we are.
She is so cute and her name is Sirrah.
Let's not play with the cutsie spellings. We will just call her Sarah #3.
And if the kitty ever has an immaculate conception, can Sarah have the kitten?
Ha! You just agreed that if Emily's cat has babies that Sarah #1 can have one, and Sarah #3 hasn't been spayed yet! Don't do it Emily. You could be the new Fav!
Also, when Emily texted to tell me about her kitten, she said, "Tell your kids they have a new cousin that looks like them" and I was like, "What? Crystal had her baby early? And is she being mean and saying the baby looks like a cat?"
Melissa, I wouldn't be accusing anyone else of being a cat lady, if you get my meaning. Also, will Sarah #3 be coming for Thanksgiving too? I don't know how my landlord would feel about three cats...
I did say "Two down, two to go" as in "two of the girls are now cat ladies, and we just have two left who need cats."
Um yes Sarah can have a kitten if Sirrah (which is the name of one of the stars in the Pegasus constellation not a variation of Sarah) but I don't think that's very likely because she's not allowed out of the apartment unless it's to go to my car. Sure she can come up for thanks giving. Are we still doing that by the way cause I need to ask for time off if we are.
Still? Were we ever? Did Holly magically find a way to get rid of all the snow for that week?
I thought I was driving.
You may drive when you have proved that you are capable of driving on a freeway and in the snow. So far, you haven't even driven up to Phoenix.
For the record, I only agreed to a kitten in the case of immaculate conception. And you'll never prove that to me.
You would doubt my Kittens Honor? for shame you can't be her aunt fav than.
I don't doubt the honor of Sarah #3...just her role model.
Lol yeah you're right. he he he.
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