Monday, April 16, 2007


Okay, so...Sarah's dance recital is in May. They were supposed to have pictures April 21st. Costumes have been delayed, so pictures are now...May 5th. The day we were planning to be in LA. I would rather not miss pictures for something we've been working on since last fall... So, how do you all feel about rescheduling Wicked? Say, May 25-26th?

Sorry... *grumble, grumble*


Martin said...

That is actually better for me anyway. Since I have the following Monday off, and that week is the last week of fieldwork, we were all hoping to finish by Thursday and take off that Friday

ahem. said...


O-kay. If we must. I guess there's no reason not to. That will make it over the holiday weekend, will that change anything?

Mean Mommy said...

Well, it will mean you don't ditch work during Women's Conference...

I'm hoping it won't change prices too much to go before Memorial day. I haven't checked yet.

I'll double check with Mom and Emily then get tickets booked before something else comes up to change plans.

Mean Mommy said...

Aaaaaand...Emily's back on board. :)

Faybe said...

Hey, that email you sent me making me check the blog was a trick wasn't it?

Martin said...

Hey! What happened to Skanky Ho?

ahem. said...

Yeah. I miss her.

Faybe said...

well the skany ho police hired her so she has no free time. Quemadura means burn in spanish.


Faybe said...

also I was sick of being the last one on the list of members to the blog

Martin said...

Are you talking alphabetically? Because I think you still are the last.