Saturday, December 16, 2006


So. I am deciding what days to take off for Christmas, and you get to vote. I am thinking probably two days. Should it be the Friday before and the Tuesday after, or the Tuesday and Wednesday after? I will be coming back down for New Years, so don't worry. You will all get plenty of Melissa Time.


Mean Mommy said...

I would say probably the T/W after, since Holly comes down on Saturday (I think).

ahem. said...

I concur with Shannon, I will fly in late on Friday night, so there's really no point in coming until Saturday. Plus, if you come on Friday, Dad will try to make you cook stuff and such... which will make you angry and grumpy. So yes, I say take off the T/W like Shannon said.

Martin said...

Okay. It is set in stone. Well, paper, since we don't use stone at work. Well, actually it is only typed in an electronic document, because we don't believe in paper either. But, anyway, I will be taking off Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mean Mommy said...

So what are we planning to do during those two days?

ahem. said...

Two words: roller coasters.

Martin said...

I'm not sure what fun rolling a bunch of coasters will be. But, I'm up for whatever.