Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Not that you really get a vote, but...

Karen Celeste
Karen Amelia
Karen Elise
Karen Danae
Karen Eve



Martin said...

What? No Karen Bear? That would make it so much easier. Or, you could always use Karen Melisso. I would allow that. :)

Actually, of those five, I like Karen Eve best.

ahem. said...


Martin said...

Yes. But you also wanted to build an Amelia Earhart amusement park if you won the lottery. So I think Eve wins.

Martin said...

(Plus, I should probably warn you Shannon. If you name your child Amelia, I will call her Amelia Badelia.)

ahem. said...

I already told her that-- that's why I want her to name her Amelia!

Martin said...

Oh. Okay. Carry on then.

Mean Mommy said...

I'm thinking Eve might be a little close to Genieve...so Elise seems to be the frontrunner now...

Faybe said...

I like Elise best

Martin said...

You are just trying to win "Fav." But you can't.