Tuesday, September 05, 2006

To the condemned party

All right. Which one of you Twinkies taught Noah to sing "Boooohbaaaah" ? He thinks it's hilarious. >:|


ahem. said...

Hee! Booooobaaaah!

Martin said...

Oh good. You are so distracted by this, that you have clearly not noticed what I did teach him.

Mean Mommy said...

Apparently that it is a very good idea to help his sister pour 4 bottles of spices and a partial jug of chocolate milk into the carpet. You mean that lesson?

Martin said...

Oh. So, you did notice?

ahem. said...

Hee! Awesome! I mean bad. Very bad.

Martin said...

Very bad. I thought I made myself perfectly clear. Use a whole jug. Always a whole!

Mean Mommy said...

I'm sure they would have, but they had to work with what was available.

Faybe said...

The boooooobaaaaah thing is totally my pla.., I mean fault. we were playing with my booohbaaaah the other day.