Tuesday, September 12, 2006


The new van's name is Winifred. Because I know you were just dying to find out.


Martin said...

Can I call it Winnie?

Mean Mommy said...

Only if followed by "the van."

Martin said...

Yeah! And also, I will call it "Whinny the Van" when there are children making their bodies perfectly straight, so as to avoid being seat-belted in.

ahem. said...

I love making myself perfectly straight so as to avoid being seat-belted in!

Martin said...

You too? Wow, Rich taught that trick to everyone in your family.

ahem. said...

Yeah... he's a master at it.

Faybe said...

oh is that what we were all doing?

ahem. said...

Hmm... limEy's back. Let's just sit back and watch the ensuing strangness.

Faybe said...

your mom's ensuing weirdness