Saturday, July 29, 2006


Don't know if you saw this on Nauvoo or not...

Sarah cut her hair today. That beautiful all-the-way-down-her-back hair... I was picking handfuls off the carpet. I couldn't stand to cut it all the way up to the shortest bits, but I had to trim the back a good 6 inches. I tried to layer the sides a little to hide the other length chunks.

I nearly cried.

Maybe there will be fewer tangles now... *sniff*


Martin said...

Hee hee. Is it wrong that this makes me laugh?

Also, now she doesn't look like me, does she?

Can we see pictures?

Mean Mommy said...

Yes, it's wrong. Shame on you. No, no pictures. Well...maybe later.

ahem. said...

Once you've mourned properly?

Mean Mommy said...

We'll see.

ahem. said...

Still not over it?

Martin said...

You know, we will see your daughter eventually. You can't hide it forever.

Mean Mommy said...

Yeah. See, now I'm just being lazy because I haven't downloaded the pictures from the camera yet.

ahem. said...

You're a mean mommy.