Thursday, February 16, 2006

Just because it's cute

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Mean Mommy said...

Isn't he so cute? Aw, look how cute he is.

Martin said...

He is so cute. But we all want to see pictures of the new baby that Holly said was on the way. Where are those pictures?

Mean Mommy said...

Oh, you want pictures? I'll show you pictures.

Or not. That would be gross.

ahem. said...

Umm... what would be gross? Pictures of an imaginary baby would not be gross. If you think they would be, then your imagination is broke. I think the imaginary baby looks like a Cebu.

Martin said...

Remember the imaginary kids in "How to lose a guy in 10 days"? They weren't very attractive.

ahem. said...

No, Melissa, they were really attractive-- don't you remember?

Mean Mommy said...

The pictures would not be of something or someone imaginary. It would mostly be my bathroom trash can.

Martin said...

You have a baby in there?!? You have to keep it!